Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Media failure on Benghazi

So much for the so called journalist who bill themselves as the 4th Estate and the government watchdog. Except for Fox News and Online investigative sites and blogs, the media has totally failed at it's supposed mission.
I am so disgusted with how they have helped cover-up and suppress attention to the Obama administrator over the Benghazi failure, that I can no longer stay on top of this without making myself sick.

There are plenty of online journalist continuing to investigate and uncover new findings.  Check out these sites for up-to-date information on the soon-to-be famous case of Benghazi. run by the Clarion Fund for National Security
Bob Owens at PJ Media who is as disgusted as I am
The American Thinker & Blog
Glenn Beck at the Blaze does a great job speculating at what's really going.
He is asking all the right questions.

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's now Benghazi-gate

It's gotten that bad now! Now that it is a known fact that resources were denied the Marines at the compound and that other teams were told to stand down.  And, the administration continued to lie as every damning detail emerged.

The U.S. had the forces in the air and on the ground to have stopped the attack at any point, eliminating the terrorists, and save American lives, yet someone decided to prevent them from acting. That to me is impeachable. Along with the cover-up
As Bob Owens at PJ Media said "If you don’t get torches-and-pitchforks irate about this, you are not an American:"

Lots of sites are now calling it the same thing - Benghazigate

It still leaves the big question - WHY ? ? What are they covering up?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Benghazi lies

In a very strongly worded post at the American Enterprise Institute, they come right out and accuse the White House of lying.
Lies, scandal, and politics: Benghazi
Rather, the story of Benghazi is that while the White House’s initial response may have been confusion, …very soon thereafter, the outright lying began.
"…the fact that officials from the president on down were intentionally and falsely insisting the 9/11/12 attack was not an act of terrorism is screamingly obvious"

The New York Daily News raises the same question after learning about the now infamous diplomatic email.

This blows a hole in everything the President, the vice-president and every mouthpiece they employ has been saying all along. In other words, they lied, knowingly and willingly, to the American people, to the families of the victims, for weeks.
They also ask the famous Watergate questions "What did the President know and when did he know it?

The Big Benghazi "Why" ?

As more information about who knew what and when in the Benghazi case, we have learned that top White House officials knew within hours through the recently released email.
White House notified
We also know that top officials watched the attack place in real time via drones and direct phone connections.

But what we don't yet know is - 
WHY ????
Why did the attack take place?
Why didn't they send a rescue team?
Why were they meeting in a clandestine place?

Why was the CIA involved?
Why was the Turkish Ambassador there minutes before the attack?
Why are there still so many unanswered questions before the election?
And last …
Why are they willing to lie to cover this up?

Glenn Beck has a theory about gun (arms) running taking place in Benghazi with some very shady participants.  You can see what he says here:
Beck explains gun running
The video is at the bottom of the post.
He calls it "Fast & Furious times 1000"

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Romney as Commander-in-Chief

Jonah Goldberg was spot on with his strategy outline for Romney with his pre-debate post: 
…But the voters Romney needs don’t much care about winning the argument over Libya or the the war on terror generally. They want to hear (or, rather, Romney needs them to hear) why they shouldn’t be worried about Romney being commander-in-chief.
That kind of reassurance comes from seeming reasonable above all else. The price for that may be to say “I agree with President Obama” more than I would like and framing things in such a way that Obama is the one who’s forced to seem un-reassuring.
That's exactly what he did, and it should be a winning strategy. Read Jonah's entire (NRO) post here:
Romney's debate goal 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Foreign Policy Failure shows in Libya

This is a must see video for anyone interested in our foreign policy disasters since Obama's presidency. It's very powerful.
The Truth About Libya - Failed Foreign Policy 
I hope Mitt beats him up tonight on these failures.

Thanks to Instapundit and The American Spectator for publishing the above link

Failure to aid our diplomats in Benghazi

Wow! This is horrendous!
The Benghazi diplomatic mission fought off the assault for 7-hours while on the phone with Washington.
Our People Fought for 7 Hours While The WH Watched (NRO)
"The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and numerous military headquarters monitored the entire battle in real time via the phone calls from Benghazi and video from a drone overhead." 

And, yet, they did nothing?  That's pretty sad that the US is incapable of sending in a rescue team to one of our diplomatic missions in under 7-hours. It's hard to believe that nobody in the intelligence community could get ahold of one of our military commands and mount a rescue within that time.
Read the National Review Online link above for more on U.S. capabilities from this former Assistant Secretary of State.

Benghazi timeline – unanswered questions remain

The nagging questions still remain – who knew what happened and when did they learn about it.  And now that more has come out about the woeful lack of security, there are additional accountability questions for those who chose to reduce the staffing and why they did.

James Rosen has a great piece at the Wall Street Journal that delves into all these questions and the ramifications of them.

The Three Benghazi Timelines We Need Answers About
He outlines these three timelines:
  1. Pre-assault security decisions made for the compound. 
  2. The assault event – what actually took place and when. 
  3. The cover-up. When did the White House & Intelligence officials know the truth? 
Remember – Obama labeled the death of four members of our consulate as "not optimal" Where's the outrage.  This is a travesty!  Nobody in the media is calling this a disaster and it is.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The real Benghazi scenario

Lindsey Graham has put together a very plausible scenario of what really happened in Benghazi. Senator Graham who's on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said this morning on Fox and Friends, that the Obama administration knew that Libya was falling apart, that Britain and the Red Cross had already pulled out of the Benghazi area because of a new al Qaeda surge that was tearing apart the country. He also said that the same thing is happening in Iraq - that the peace is unraveling there as well. He said this is the reason for the Obama administration's subterfuge. "it destroys the narrative that by killing bin Laden, al Qaeda's been dismantled."
This reflects what other investigations are beginning to show was a building crescendo of terrorist activity in the area.
Reuters report on Benghazi

How long does Obama investigate?

It's been more than a month now since the Benghazi assault, shouldn't we be getting some results from his in investigation already? How long is he going to refuse comment, because it's under investigation? Maybe until after the election ... hum? thinks the same thing
There is no bipartisan effort to get answers in time for the election. Republicans shouldn’t waste a nanosecond thinking that they will get any help from the Democrats. They need to act, and act fast.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Benghazi Timeline - who knew what & when

It's being widely reported now that the president knew about the assault and assassination within 24-hours.

As more information about the Obama administration's covered-up comes out through hearings and journalistic investigation, I am confident that it will be shown that Obama knew the whole story relatively soon after the assault occurred. 

Read this excellent timeline post at the Washington Post: (I was shocked too. They are finally doing some reporting.)

Washington Post Benghazi Timeline

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Obama's intelligence discrepancies

So, the same Barack Obama, who was able to get live intel feeds from the Osama bin Laden raid, can't seem to get good intel from Benghazi in under a week. Really! The whole intel machinery that allowed him to see live images and communicate with the commanders on-site in Pakistan was on the fritz for a week during the Benghazi raid.

You mean to tell me he didn't really know that it was an al-Qaida organized, 2-part assault on our embassy before he hopped on his campaign plane for Las Vegas on Wednesday?