Monday, October 22, 2012

Failure to aid our diplomats in Benghazi

Wow! This is horrendous!
The Benghazi diplomatic mission fought off the assault for 7-hours while on the phone with Washington.
Our People Fought for 7 Hours While The WH Watched (NRO)
"The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and numerous military headquarters monitored the entire battle in real time via the phone calls from Benghazi and video from a drone overhead." 

And, yet, they did nothing?  That's pretty sad that the US is incapable of sending in a rescue team to one of our diplomatic missions in under 7-hours. It's hard to believe that nobody in the intelligence community could get ahold of one of our military commands and mount a rescue within that time.
Read the National Review Online link above for more on U.S. capabilities from this former Assistant Secretary of State.

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