Friday, October 26, 2012

It's now Benghazi-gate

It's gotten that bad now! Now that it is a known fact that resources were denied the Marines at the compound and that other teams were told to stand down.  And, the administration continued to lie as every damning detail emerged.

The U.S. had the forces in the air and on the ground to have stopped the attack at any point, eliminating the terrorists, and save American lives, yet someone decided to prevent them from acting. That to me is impeachable. Along with the cover-up
As Bob Owens at PJ Media said "If you don’t get torches-and-pitchforks irate about this, you are not an American:"

Lots of sites are now calling it the same thing - Benghazigate

It still leaves the big question - WHY ? ? What are they covering up?

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