Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Media failure on Benghazi

So much for the so called journalist who bill themselves as the 4th Estate and the government watchdog. Except for Fox News and Online investigative sites and blogs, the media has totally failed at it's supposed mission.
I am so disgusted with how they have helped cover-up and suppress attention to the Obama administrator over the Benghazi failure, that I can no longer stay on top of this without making myself sick.

There are plenty of online journalist continuing to investigate and uncover new findings.  Check out these sites for up-to-date information on the soon-to-be famous case of Benghazi. run by the Clarion Fund for National Security
Bob Owens at PJ Media who is as disgusted as I am
The American Thinker & Blog
Glenn Beck at the Blaze does a great job speculating at what's really going.
He is asking all the right questions.

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