Monday, October 22, 2012

Benghazi timeline – unanswered questions remain

The nagging questions still remain – who knew what happened and when did they learn about it.  And now that more has come out about the woeful lack of security, there are additional accountability questions for those who chose to reduce the staffing and why they did.

James Rosen has a great piece at the Wall Street Journal that delves into all these questions and the ramifications of them.

The Three Benghazi Timelines We Need Answers About
He outlines these three timelines:
  1. Pre-assault security decisions made for the compound. 
  2. The assault event – what actually took place and when. 
  3. The cover-up. When did the White House & Intelligence officials know the truth? 
Remember – Obama labeled the death of four members of our consulate as "not optimal" Where's the outrage.  This is a travesty!  Nobody in the media is calling this a disaster and it is.

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